WEBINETTE: Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go

In today’s business environment, talent is the major differentiator. And developing and retaining that talent is one of the most significant drivers of employee engagement… which in turn is the key to critical business outcomes like revenue, profitability, innovation, productivity, customer loyalty, quality, and cycle time.

Yet, despite its importance, leaders too frequently ignore the development imperative. Every day, employees who believe that their careers are not getting the attention they deserve make the decision to leave. Some resign to pursue employment in organizations that offer greater opportunity. But the more dangerous group stays and withdraws its engagement, motivation, and enthusiasm for the work.

So, what’s a leader to do? Plenty… and it may be easier than you expect. Quality career development boils down to quality conversations. Improve the conversation and career development follows… along with job satisfaction, retention and results.

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