CFOs & Supply Chain Success: Five Steps to Delivering Success with CFO Involvement

CFOs & Supply Chain Success: Five Steps to Delivering Success with CFO Involvement

Steve Rosvold, CEO and Founder of CFO.University, teamed up with BlueGrace on a great message for CFOs & Supply Chain Success

Enabling Change In An Era Of Efficiency

We are living in a time of efficiency. We all want to optimize, to do more with less, to maximize return while minimizing effort.

It makes perfect sense – there is not an industry on earth that has escaped the effects of digital disruptions. For those encumbered by legacy operations and established processes, competing with these disruptions can be challenging. The nature of competition has fundamentally changed. So, established companies look for ways to respond and defend themselves.

At the heart of this drive is the need to have greater transparency, to be able to see all the moving parts. Ultimately, it is impossible to make changes without knowing what you have to change in the first place.

For any sort of organization, this can be challenging - every company is made up of different functions and departments, all with their own ways of working, their own unofficial workarounds. When you are a business involved in the production or sale of a tangible product, you have the added complexity of a supply chain to contend with. ​

Read the full article.

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