Six Signs Your Company Needs ERP Therapy

Many of our human physical discomforts are associated with the suffix “-itis”. There’s tonsillitis, arthritis, bursitis, dermatitis, hepatitis and more. If our “itis” discomforts persist, we typically seek expert advice and treatment.

The suffix “itis” simply means something is irritated or inflamed. With minor bodily discomforts, one may choose to “just live with it.” But in business, as in health, the implications of these symptoms may not be something to go undiagnosed and untreated.

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CFOs Must Build a Solid Foundation First

I have read a myriad of articles and blogs regarding the CFO role that..

  1. Claim the role is going the way of the dinosaur.
  2. Claim a CFO who doesn’t have a digital transformation plan being implemented yesterday is about to have the earth fall from under their feet.
  3. Claim if you don’t have to communication skills of Winston Churchill or Martin Luther King your chance of getting a CFO role are slim to none.

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Proactive vs. Reactive Approach to Risk Management

So we all love insurance. Well, actually that’s just me. Most people tend to tense up when they hear the word “insurance”. Organizations typically buy insurance based on catastrophic events that can cripple their business. I’ll never forget when I was twenty-two years old and had just become an insurance broker. I sat down with the owner of a sign manufacturing company. After fifteen minutes of talking about risk and their insurance needs, the owner turned to me and said, Nick, “I really have no idea what you’re talking about, just make sure that sh—is covered when it hits the fan.”

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Leadership Needs The “H"elp Word

Enjoy this series of shorts on Leadership from Jim.

How often in the last month have you used the “H” word? For most leaders, there’s a direct link between the number of H’s and the effectiveness of their leadership. That is, the more H’s, the better the results. Check out your leadership grade:

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