Another Pillar We Call “Other”

We recognize our Four Pillars of CFO Success have some key dependencies. That is why we created the Other section under Courses at CFO.University. These areas are important in their own right. Each one supports all Four Pillars of CFO Success. These areas are included in our Other Courses section and include; Human Resources, Technology/Digital Transformation and Career Management.

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COVID’s Impact on Private Company Valuations

COVID has transformed nearly every aspect of daily life, including the performance of privately held businesses. In fact, nearly 5 million businesses in the U.S., the vast majority of which are privately held, received over $520 billion in PPP loans to help shore up cash flow needs. However, not all companies have been affected the same. Many industries, such as restaurants and retail, are suffering, while others including some tech and online retailers, are benefitting. As many businesses’ financial performance have been significantly altered during this period, the question must be asked: how have their valuations been impacted?

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