Webinar - Finance Data Analytics for Business Results

​In this webinar, Prashanth Southekal foreshadows the lessons he will be sharing in his live, virtual course by the same title, Finance Data Analytics for Business Results.

The course is designed for finance leaders focused on building a culture of data driven decision making at their companies.

Enjoy this webinar as a primer and learn more about the course, Finance Analytics for Business Results

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Using the Business Value of IT Calculator

The Business Value of IT Calculator (BVIT) is a very simple and intuitive approach that any executive team can use to understand where the company stands on its utilization of IT. Almost all business functions use IT to some degree. Therefore all functional business executives should have a view of how well IT is serving their needs as well the overall business needs. The BVIT uses a very intuitive survey approach to ask 10 questions of the executive team and aggregates results to get an aggregated composite rating of value from IT.

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