Financial Close Assessment

We really like this 10 question, simple survey used to calibrate where your financial closing process sits in the evolutionary value chain of financial processes. More importantly, we believe you will agree. This short Financial Close Assessment identifies how well your close is delivering value to your business. It will also provide you a roadmap to improving your close.

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General Ledger Analysis Tool

This tool has been developed to help you determine your General Ledger structure, summarize the complexity of detail required for major accounts and where streamlining efforts may have the highest returns – providing a big boost to closing quicker with better account analysis.

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CFO Foundation - People Process System Assessment Tool

CFO.University isn’t original in using the People, Process and Systems model. The terms “golden triangle”, “business triangle”, even the “eternal triangle” to describe this critical business triumvirate has been in the business lexicon for as long as I can remember. What we believe is unique in our CFO Foundation - People Process System Assessment Tool is the simple and effective way it directs us to the True North for your Accounting, Finance and Treasury (AFT) department.

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How Marketing and Finance Think Differently

This is a fictitious story about the wide gap and personality differences between the function of the chief marketing officer (CMO) and that of the chief financial officer (CFO). I made up the two characters in this story. But how different might they be from a real pair of a CMO and CFO that you may know (or who works for your employer)?

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