Finance Executives: Pick Up The Bat, Step Up To The Plate and Hone Your Skills

If you achieved your goal only 30% of the time would you consider yourself a success?

Less than 5% of batters in major league baseball get a hit (a positive outcome) in more than 3 of 10 at bats. In 2022 the best batter in baseball achieved his goal less than 33 out of every 100 at bats.

There are stark contrasts between the role of a batter (also called a hitter) and the role of a senior finance executive.

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CFO.University Jumble Crossword

Each series of horizontal and vertical boxes is a word or phrase with each box containing one letter. Each day we’ll add Word Clues and part of the FINAL CLUE to the puzzle. The answer to the final clue will be made up of the circled letters in the puzzle.

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Valuations in Small Business Transitions

It’s worth repeating; the demographic phenomenon which first appeared about ten years ago - at least 7,000 baby boomers per day are turning 65 - is expected to last for another eight years. Since this demographic owns approximately 4 million businesses, it’s logical that getting outof a business has become a process that many business owners have to master in order to maximize the value of their life’s work.

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CFO Leadership with Business Analytics – Nature or Nurture?

What distinguishes strong from weak leaders? This raises the question if leaders are born or can be grown. It is the classic “nature versus nurture” debate. What matters more? Genes or your environment? This question got me to thinking about whether business analysts within an organization can be more than a support to others. Can they be leaders similar to C-level executives? Some answers for me came from a provocative talk by Alan G. Dunn, President and founder of GDI Consulting and Training Company. I share some of Alan’s thoughts in this article.

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