Making Smart IT Investment Decisions

The following scenario is all too common. A CEO/CFO is inundated with chronic business problems: on-time delivery, customer service responsiveness, inventory inaccuracies or any of a handful of other afflictions. The management team blames a host of demons, most notorious amongst them, obsolete or dysfunctional systems.

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Lessons from the Equifax Breach

There are many lessons to be learned from the 2017 Equifax breach, (one of the three major national credit reporting agencies). A key one: pathetically weak IT disciplines leave businesses vulnerable to attack. Two months after an industry group discovered the coding flaw in their data systems and shared a fix, hackers took advantage of that flaw at Equifax.

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Are GPOs the right option for you?

Group Purchasing Organization Plans (GPOs) have gained a lot of popularity lately. Most organizations have joined a GPO to combine their purchasing spend with other GPO members to get better pricing and streamline supplier spending. In many cases, GPOs deliver a valuable service. Not all GPOs are created equal and it is important to find right fit for your organization. In some cases, direct supplier negotiation is a viable alternative to GPO.

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Cybersecurity Begins with People

Author Marc Hallquist

WannaCry – Petya – Ransomware – Phishing – DDOS. Unfortunately, these terms have entered the lexicon of the modern board room. Experts predict global annual cybercrime costs will grow from $3 trillion in 2015 to $6 trillion in 2021.

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