Change – The Great Elixir for Solving Problems

Today we are confronting centuries of systemic social injustice – racism; an environmental threat not experienced for generations – a pandemic; and a financial crisis whose final chapters are yet to be written – economic turmoil.

These three foes have something in common. A global population uniting to fight them. With long memories and a little luck these common foes will help us make a permanent change that will create a more unified human existence.

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Navigating Remote Work: Q&A with Suzi Wear

COVID-19 has the business world spinning, so I figured you’d enjoy hearing from Suzi Wear, VP of Culture and People Development at Xenium HR, about how to manage remote work and effective communication through all the chaos. Check out the discussion below from our live webinar, and find some advice for some of the issues that may be impacting your organization.

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