Boost Your Career By Solving This Problem For Your CEO

Movie marathons, Zoom parties and star gazing by a campfire are worthy pursuits for staying up late and waking up tired. Worrying about work doesn’t qualify as a good reason for sleepless nights.

If your CEO is awake at night worrying about work, there is a good chance it’s due to one of the reasons in the following paragraphs. Recognizing and resolving them can give a big boost to your career.

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Standard Costing’s Time Has Finally Come…To Its End

For many manufacturing organizations, standard costing has been the default option for the last several decades. As far back in the 1920s, the Ford Motor Company was one of the first mass producers to champion and adopt the practice. Standard costing was praised and adopted as an innovation in production control. Since then, businesses and business schools worldwide have taught it as the preferred system to control production efficiencies and costs.

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