How A Consultant Can Boost Your Efficiency

All companies want to improve their efficiency, but many find it difficult to identify the gaps in their business practices that are preventing them from achieving significant breakthroughs. One remedy for this malady is to use an external resource that isn’t blinded by the company’s tradition and norms. A financial consultant with a fresh, outside perspective, sophisticated analytical skills and new technology can give an immediate boost to your company. A strong advisor will be able to sort the high value opportunities from the low-payoff activities, develop the plan to achieve them and have the capabilities to execute the plan within your organization.

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Don’t Miss the Danger Signs: How to Monitor Your Risk Controls

As advanced as an Internal Control Plan can be, it is not self-sustaining. Independent and/or ongoing evaluations are required to determine if each component is functioning effectively, and to allow deficiencies to be addressed in a timely manner.

Monitoring is the process of comparing what you would expect to what actually happens. Within the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) framework, that takes place in three stages:

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Boards and CEOs Rely On These 4 Activities For Sound Financial Management

Board of Directors and CEOs rely on Chief Financial Officers. They rely on them to explain the past, see the future and provide insight into corporate planning and decision making. Of course, the operational tasks of liquidity management, margin analysis and asset utilization are also first tier responsibilities of the CFO.

While being a Board member or the CEO doesn’t require a degree in finance, good financial management is the result of having confidence all your CFO pillars are being responsibly managed. These pillars are made up of four specific activities. In this article we’ll walk through each one and share some tools to help you improve these four pillars.

· Timely and Accurate Recording and Reporting Systems

· Treasury Management Skills

· Business Planning and Business Growth

· Governance and Controls

Learn about each activity in the full article.

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“Leaning Up” the Finance Department

Lean manufacturing has gained increasing acceptance on the production line in recent decades. Manufacturers are using sophisticated “lean” techniques to eliminate duplication and waste in order to achieve efficiency.

Similarly, finance teams are beginning to see the value of applying this lean concept to their own operations, thereby streamlining processes and saving money.

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