A C-Level guide to computer changes

Smart business owners know that improving their computer systems keeps them competitive. These changes are often undertaken to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase revenue. While it’s unlikely that management will perform the actual processes, it is helpful for them to understand their choices.

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Persuasive Technology Board Presentations

A board presentation about technology can strike fear in the hearts of many a C-level executive. Fortunately there are steps that can be taken to not only meet the board’s needs and expectations but win their lasting support and respect. Given the importance of technology to overall business strategy, as both enabler and growth driver, technology discussions make regular appearances on board agendas.

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Data security: real risks, real results

As a small-business owner or manager, you may think your company is too small to be concerned about data breaches and data risk management. If so, you aren’t alone. Sixty-eight percent of business owners surveyed in 2017 by the HR firm Paychex reported that they are not concerned about cyber threats. And to the extent they are concerned, they assume others will feel the pain.

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Reducing your Frustration with Technology

There is no doubt that business executives dealing with Information Technology have more than a few frustrations. That’s why we’ve identified five of the more frustrating aspects of Technology Management along with some suggestions for dealing with them.

Successful use of technology will generate great benefits for a business.

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