IT Business Continuity Planning Workbook
Eric Hart, of NPI Technology Management captures the essence and importance of IT business continuity in his article Reducing IT Risk: Planning for Business Continuity
We partnered with NPI to develop the IT Business Continuity Planning Workbook. It will assist you in evaluating and reducing the significant risk that IT failures pose to your business. Investing in: design and planning, purchasing better equipment, choosing optimum service levels, and regularly testing will result in systems that are prepared to withstand many challenges. Eric advises us to focus our efforts on the areas of the business that require near-continuous operation. Also keep in mind that Business Continuity is a process, not an event. Over time your most important systems may change so review this planner at least once a year.
We think you’ll find this workbook and the instructional article valuable resources to you in evaluating and preparing your IT Business Continuity Plan.
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