Andrew Jenkins
Founder MD at PDx

My name is Andrew Jenkins, and I am proud to be MD of PDx Consulting Ltd - PDx is dedicated to developing you as leaders to evolve into businesses that have a core purpose beyond just making money, that make a difference to peoples’​ lives making the world better.

I care about facilitating your teams and leadership skills, so your people can do their very best work.

I love team building with ambitious leaders to create great workplaces. If you’re willing to invest in new skills and step up to new challenges, then I’m the man.

I deliver tailor-made programmes fitted to your unique circumstances, your people, your needs and problems.
I specialise in blending both ‘systems’ and ‘emotional intelligence’​ to bring you useful models, simple to use tools and practical processes to bring it all to life. Take-away outputs are directly usable in your workplace.

I create structures that help you to learn directly and build your skills in emotional intelligence, collaboration and cohesion, trust and openness.


Check out Andrew’s book The Authority Guide to Developing High-performing Teams.

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